Wait, it’s not in old Detroit? My Childhood is a Lie!

If you're a fan of Robocop (1987), you might be surprised to learn that the imposing OCP headquarters isn’t actually in Detroit. It’s located in Dallas, Texas! Specifically, the building featured is the Dallas City Hall, designed by the renowned architect I.M. Pei.

Pei’s architectural portfolio includes some famous landmarks like the JFK Presidential Library, the John Hancock Building in Chicago, and the iconic Louvre Pyramid in Paris.

While the pillars you see on the building might look like they’re supporting all that weight, they’re actually not load-bearing. They were added after construction purely for visual impact and house stairwells. Also, the building’s first floor is completely open from one end to the other.

Interestingly, if you’ve only seen it in Robocop, you might be surprised to find that the building is actually much shorter in real life. A significant part of what you see in the movie was enhanced with digital effects, making the OCP headquarters appear far taller and more imposing than it is in
