" Retro Rummies" is a charming sitcom that follows the misadventures of two best friends, Kenny and Steve, who navigate the hustle and bustle of city life while embracing the quirky styles and values of yesteryears. With a motto of “Live today like you lived in the past,” they fill their apartment with vintage décor, thrift-store treasures, and a soundtrack of classic hits, all while tackling modern-day challenges. 

Each episode features their humorous attempts to blend old-school wisdom with contemporary dilemmas, from awkward first dates to job interviews, often leading to hilariously nostalgic situations. With a cast of colorful neighbors and an ever-growing collection of retro gadgets, Kenny and Steve, remind us that sometimes the best way to move forward is to look back. Tune in for heartwarming laughs, unexpected lessons, and a celebration of friendship in a world that never stops changing!